Friday, January 25, 2008

Mom at home and school

How does being a teacher affect your kids?
RESA and others are holding teacher job fairs in the coming days and weeks and I thought: what if you work where your kid goes to school?
When I was in 9th grade, I went to school with two great friends whose mother taught social studies at our school. They were the top students in their classes. How much of it was the fact that mom was just a hall away? I don't know, because they both went on to excel in the medical field. But I imagine the emphasis on education must have been very high in their home.
So teachers - got kids? How do you separate school and home? OR do you?
Inquiring minds want to know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So far I haven't taught at a school where either of my girls have attended. They were too young to attend the school I taught at when we were stationed overseas, and since then it hasn't worked out. However I know that both of my older two feel a need to be on their better behavior (I wouldn't say best) because they don't want any bad behavior to reflect on me. Its not something that I have ever said to them, it is just what they have said to me.