Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Policing our kids

The Peach County Sherrif's Office has a new program where you can put a bumper sticker on your kid's car and, if he or she is stopped, the officer will report the time and day of the stop, the reason for the stop, the number of passengers in the car, etc. to parents. Am I the only one not sure about this? First, it smacks of distrust between parent and teen. Second, it almost begs an officer to pull your kid over. If we call this what it is -- profiling -- then shouldn't we be as concerned about it as we are outraged by other types of profiling? Or do we, as parents, really want (or need) Smoky's help in keeping track of our little bandits? Strikes me we could just stick a GPS on the kid's car and keep track from the comfort of our laptops. Let me know what you think -- really. Just click on "Comment"

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