Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lost in the shuffle

I know Daniel is feeling a little less than front-and-center these days. Mom and dad are focused on matters of Real Estate and, let's face it, the stack of boxes is twice times higher than he is.
But when he started acting up at day care, I knew that early-morning snuggles and evening puzzle and coloring time just wasn't cutting it any more.
So On our morning drives from Macon to Warner Robins this week, I have turned off the radio, turned off the front passenger side air bag, and spent the 45 minutes talking to my son. And dear, God, he has a lot to say. Here are some of the things I've learned:
He likes his blue "backup pair" glasses better than his good ones.
If there's a fire truck or a backhoe in operation, we have to stop and watch it.
He wants to be sure the dog and cat are moving to the new house.
He likes to talk on the phone, especially to daddy and to grandma in Virginia.
He thinks any juice that comes in a can is soda and any dark bits in cereal (raisins, blueberries) must be chocolate.
He likes his teacher and his new best friend's name is Josh.

So I'm thinking, whether your kid is three or thirteen, put him in the front seat on occasion. Turn off the radio, the DVD, and let them talk. If you're quiet, they will fill the silence.

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