Thursday, March 02, 2006

More news from the day care

We've achieved happiness.
I got the call earlier this week that Daniel was misbehaving at day care again, and would someone please come pick him up? It was very close to the end of the work day, so off I went. The next day, I spoke with the director and we went over the incident. When she told Daniel she was going to call his mother, he was delighted, telling her to "call my mama." I told her about what had happened with the last day care, where they would call us to come every time he misbehaved, and he learned that misbehavior meant mom and dad's undivided attention. And at this point, he's looking for even negative attention - but that's a whole 'nother issue. So - bless her heart - the director said the next time he was bad, Daniel would be disciplined, but not sent home. Hallelujah! She gets it!
P.S. For those of you who have asked, he's at the Children's Friend on Corder Road. Not all Children's Friend centers are the same. I am not endorsing one program over any other. Disclaimers and all that.

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