Sunday, March 12, 2006

Summer camp?

It's time to start thinking about what the kiddies are going to do all summer. What age is best to start summer camp? It depends. Certainly, if your kids have been Vacation Bible Schooling since birth, any time is good to start a short day camp. With Daniel turning 4 this summer, he's headed for swimming lessons, but not a camp. Day camps are good experiences for most children, and is seems around here there's one for every interest. Sports, computers, art, you name it. Overnight camps might be better for older kids, depending on the individual child's level of self-control. If your kid is doing his chores without prompting, cleans up after herself, and generally takes direction well, it's probably time for overnight camp. Your best bet: gather a bunch of brochures from the camps YOU approve and let your child pick the "final" two or three options.

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